Woolooware Public School


Telephone02 9523 5411


School Notes and Forms

Extended Leave Application - Travel

Application Form - fillable pdf for email (please send as pdf, photos of forms will not be accepted) or print, fill in and hand in to the office

Exemption from Attendance / Enrolment - Elite Sport, Dance, TV Industry etc

Application Form - fillable pdf for email (please send as pdf, photos of forms will not be accepted) or print, fill in and hand in to the office

Volunteering at Our School

Declaration for Child-Related Workers - fillable pdf for email (please send as pdf, photos of forms will not be accepted) or print, fill in and hand in to the office

This form needs to be completed at least 7 days prior to your designated helper / volunteer activity, so the form can be processed and checks completed. You will not be able to assist as a helper or volunteer if this process has not been completed. 

This is a requirement of the NSW Department of Education for child-safety and must be completed every calendar year. The easiest way to make sure you are approved for helping and volunteering is to complete your form at the beginning of every school year. 

Medical Information / Medication Forms


Parents/carers of students who are required to receive short or long term prescribed medication at school must complete the written request and return to the school office with with medication packaging for sighting by the administering staff member(s)

Short Term Medication form (pdf)

Long Term Medication form (pdf)

Parents/carers need to inform our school if their child has asthma. Students with asthma need ready access to their reliever medication when an attack occurs. Please complete the asthma medication form and return to our office with the asthma medication that your child receives. Please make sure the canister is clearly labeled with the students name. 


Asthma form (pdf)

Anaphylaxis / Allergies

Parents/carers need to inform the school if their child suffers from Anaphylaxis or Allergies so that we can follow a plan/procedure to best manage the needs of students diagnosed as being at risk of a severe allergic reaction. The Action Plan for Anaphylaxis/Allergies must be completed by a medical practitioner (form available from their office/surgery).